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Reflections of being

"2nd Edition"

Now Available

Maurice Skillern

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2nd Edition


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2nd Edition


Reflections of being

"2nd Edition"

Enhanced   E-Book


2 Different Covers Available

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The enhanced eBook of “Messages; Reflections of Being” is now available. It is a ground breaking project from the farseeing mind of Maurice Skillern, the author of “Messages” and the founder of Baseline International Publishing, LLC. It is called an enhanced eBook because it incorporates an innovative way to move throughout the eBook, as well as combining the book “Messages; "Reflection of Being” (see above) and the CD “Messages; I Dreamed Tomorrow”. In essence, readers can read the enhanced eBook on their computers and also hear Maurice Skillern reading selected pieces from the book as recorded for the CD Messages “I Dreamed Tomorrow”. The enhanced eBook is now available and can be purchased only throughthis website. Also, keep up to date on all products available from “Baseline International Publishing” by regularly visiting us here.

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 -- "Backboard Warrior".

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Warrior" (Short Novel, Play ?) 

Dispair escape, survival, these are the daily thoughts that assail Mathew Joshua Hood, he was born to a hostile world where in all appearances it seemed he was four steps behind from the onset. He and his family reside on what he sees as a tenuous beachhead in a continuous war for true freedom and  acceptance outside of the prison walls of prejudice and hate built by his society. Born with the heart of a warrior his rage is sometimes without bounds, he fights as mush against himself as against the debasing aspects of his world at large. The basketball court has become his primary field of battle and upon it he wages war with the skills of long dead generals. The question in all of this being, will he develop the focused discipline to become a soldier before the fires of his warriors heart engulfs all that he holds dear.




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